We are Devo
(Disclaimer: this is really bitchy, but I feel horrible, and it's honest so I'm posting it. Sorry.). I'm sick today. After I washed my hair last night I knew it. My right ear was burning and I developed a severe headache and then began to cough. I tossed and turned, alternately hot and shivering for most of the night until my headache finally eased enough for me to sleep a couple of hours. When I came out to the bus this morning, throat sore and body aching, I considered our seat assignment rotation in an attempt to stay away from people, and took the seat in the very back where I could lie down and should have been a couple of rows away from anyone else on board. How wrong I was. The couple in front of me for the past 2 days, who should have moved forward, instead ignored the rotation, remaining right in front of me and expanding their territory to fill the seats on both sides. Then, after the first stop, a douche of an old man who has been haunting my steps(along with those of all the single women on the trip who are too young for him) insisted that he must move to the back seat to take photos, even though the seat he now occupies is on the same side of the bus where he was originally situated. If the bus was even half full, I could understand that sacrifices might be necessary, but there is plenty of room in here for all these people, who have been duly informed that I am ill, to move away and give me a little comfort without even having to be the slightest bit cramped themselves. In spite of that, and in spite of the fact that there is only one back seat in the bus, they all choose to remain in my space. No one cares that I'm in a rolling hell or even that they might also get sick if they don't leave me alone. It's somehow more important to stand their ground and not give way when someone else needs room. It's like we've reverted to some primitive territorial state. And this guy who's moved to the back seat must be either stupid or downright cruel. He's certainly not going to get anywhere with me if he thinks that taking blurry photos from a moving bus is more important than letting me rest when I'm sick, and any idiot can see that he would get the same half-assed, reflection-ridden photos from his own seat that he can get back here. Even taking pictures out the back isn't really an option, and I can't help noticing that I've rarely seen him raise his phone to snap one anyway. In fact, the asshole is asleep right now. I don't get to sleep, but he's sleeping like a damned baby after coming back here "to take some photos" 3 hours and 2 stops ago. I can't begin to imagine why he'd actually get out of the row he had to himself up front and make the effort to move back here to do this to me. I just wish he'd go away. I wish that any one of the three people who are knowingly and unnecessarily trapping me in this claustrophobic situation would be considerate and give a little for just one leg of the trip. I have never done anything like this to any of them, and never would if I could help it. Given the choice, I'd prefer having more space to myself and staying healthy hands down over crowding a contagious stranger for no particular reason.