eine Sache noch

One thing I didn't include yesterday, because it was still a bit of a mystery to me, was a large, abandoned, and vaguely creepy building in Boppard, which our bus blew by without mention.  It was surprising to me that this relatively enormous, though disused, structure wasn't a considered a landmark worthy of note in such a little town.  I'd have liked to stop and take pictures of the empty border stations between the EU countries as we passed, too, though.  I'm weird.  Apparently we're only supposed to like abandoned buildings if they're very old and super fancy.   At any rate, as beautiful as the rest of the town was, nothing intrigued me as much as this place.  Unfortunately our guide had no knowledge to impart about its history, and seemed completely unaware of even having passed it on the way through town.  After a little digging, I found a few pictures and a brief mention of the Marienberg Convent, which was apparently closed by the Nazis in 1940.  The only article I could find that focused on the convent itself was in German, so I guess I've got some translating to do later.  The few pictures I managed were taken from the bus, which resulted in some rather annoying interference by reflections, but I think they get the point across.