Lesson learned

After a day of shopping and getting things arranged, I feel much more prepared for the rest of my trip.  Selecting a few items to ship home made a significant difference in my luggage volume while still leaving me plenty of clothing for the next three weeks, and I will now be able to carry a small fan and a few other supplies with me to help keep things comfortable.  That way, perhaps, I can bitch a little less and spend more time reporting on the wonders and joys of Europe to the 4 people who will ever read this(thanks, guys!).

At the moment I'm having a delicious Thai dinner at a place called Latymer's, which has been interrupted only by the fire alarm going off right behind my head 4 times in succession.  Luckily, there's no actual fire.  See?  Even I can look on the sunny side of life!


After enjoying a dessert as American as myself(in type and quantity),  I'm going to attempt again to retire early and get myself on schedule.  Getting up at 10:30 this morning overshot the mark just a touch, and I've got to be ready to get up at 6 by Friday morning.  😵